1) 目的:即本文的目的及要解决的问题;
2) 方法:即论文的主要工作过程及所采用的技术手段或方法,还包括主要设备及仪器仪表等。对新技术手段则应更清楚地描述其基本原理、引用范围及所达到的精度、误差等;
3) 结果:应力求简明而富有报道性,可以是所获得的实验数据、实验结果及关系式,也可以是理论性成果,还可以是所关注的相关联系及观察到的主要现象等;
4) 结论:即阐明成果蕴涵的意义,特别是要阐明这种意义是怎样与研究目的相联系的。
目的 研究树林、陆地场景下可见光与红外图像彩色融合中的热目标增强方法. 方法 利用拮抗视觉特性 在YUV空间融合可见光与红外图像,增强二者的独有特征;在色彩传递阶段,使用3×3大小 的十字形窗口定位红外图像的热目标,当窗口的局部均值大于红外图像的整体均值时,确定该像素点处于热目标区,表征红色与亮度(Y)差异的V分量值根据局部均值与整体均值之比进行增强. 结果结论 仿真结果表明,算法用浓烈的红色突出红外图像的热目标,有效地提醒观察者注意感兴趣的目标,同时,可见光图像的场景细节被赋予与白天光照下彩色图像类似的自然色彩,改善了场景的深度感知,提高了形势意识能力.
关键词 非线性色彩传递;图像融合;热目标;可见光;红外?
Hot Targets Enhancement for Color Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images
Aim Hot targets enhancement algorithm for the color fusion of visible and infrared images under trees and land background is presented. Method Opponent visual model is used to fuse and enhance the complementary information between visible and infrared in YUV space. During the process of color transfer, a crossed window of size 3×3 helps to locate the hot target in infrared image. When the local gray mean value of the window is larger than the global mean value of the infrared image, the center pixel is determined in a hot area. Then the V component that represents the difference between luminance (Y) and red color is increased by the ratio of the local gray mean value to the global mean value. ResultsConclusion Tests showed that this method pops out the hot targets with intense red and is effective on alerting observers to possible interested target. At the same time, the background is rendered a natural color appearance similar to a day time color image, improves scene depth perception and increases situation awareness. ?
Key words: nonlinear color transfer; image fusion; hot targets; visible;infrared
QQ:2604244082 张老师